Indiana University | Masters of Fine Art | 2012 | Digital Art | Bloomington, Indiana (USA)
Berea College | Bachelors of Art | 2008 | Writing & Literature | Berea, Kentucky (USA)
Chair of Creative Technologies BFA Program, School of Visual Arts at Virginia Tech
Associate Professor of Creative Technologies, School of Visual Arts at Virginia Tech
Faculty Affiliate, American Indian Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences at Virginia Tech
Curator of Cinema Reset, the XR, New Media, Interactive Media program for the New Orleans Film Society
Alternate Board Member, Nes Artist Residency (Skagaströnd, Iceland)
2018 – 2022: Director, Creative Technologies MFA Program, School of Visual Arts at Virginia Tech
2015 – 2016: Visiting Instructor of Game Design, IU Media School, Indiana University Bloomington
2014 – 2016: Visiting Assistant Professor of Digital Art, School of Art & Design, Indiana University Bloomington
2009 – 2012: Film Archivist: Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction
2010 – 2012: Filmmaker, Explorer Division, National Geographic Ventures: Nat Geo Television
2023 Artist in Residence, Rising: Climate in Crisis, A Studio in the Woods (New Orleans, LA)
2017 Artist in Residence at the Icelandic Textiles Center (Blönduós, Iceland)
2017 Taft-Nicholson Center for Environmental Humanities, University of Utah (Lima, MT)
2017 Santa Fe Art Institute Water Rights Residency (Santa Fe, NM)
2014 The Weight of Mountains Filmmaking Biennial Residency (Skagaströnd, Iceland)
2010 Artist in Residence at the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Beverly Shores, IN)
2021 PI: C+I/ICAT/Humanities SEAD Grant, Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology at Virginia Tech ($30,000)
2020 PI: “Cinema Reset” The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts ($100,000)
2019 PI: “Arctic Media Partnerships” Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment at Virginia Tech ($30,000)
2019 American Leadership Award: Hollyhock Leadership Institute (British Columbia, Canada)
2019 Virginia Tech Presidential Principles of Community Award: Virginia Dares Decolonial Media Conference & Project
2019 College of Architecture and Urban Studies (CAUS) at Virginia Tech Diversity Award
2018 PI: “Sea Ice Saga” Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology at Virginia Tech ($20,000)
2018 PI: ISCE Unsolicited Request, Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment at Virginia Tech ($6,350)
2017 Co-PI: “Sharing Stories: Understanding Place, Identity, and Narrative for Policy” Policy Strategic Growth Area at Virginia Tech ($2,500)
2017 PI: “Sea Ice Archive” Research Summer Funding, Instititute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology at Virginia Tech ($3,000)
2017 Co-PI: “The Aesthetics of Contemporary Science Research” Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology at Virginia Tech ($10,000)
2017 PI: “Arts, Technology, and Social Issues” Virginia Tech Global Education Office ($5,000)
2016 PI: “To See: Visualizing the Unseeable” Ostrom Grant for Creative Projects at Indiana University ($6,350)
2021 STRAWBERRY ROAN | Deiglan Gilfélagið, Akureyri, Iceland
2019 OMICRON | Bangalore Film Society (Bangalore, India)
2018 BREATH ギャラリーコレクション展 Poetic Scape (Tokyo, Japan)
2018 BREATH | SepiaEYE Gallery (NYC, NY)
2018 NEW WORKS | The Weight of Mountains Filmmaking Biennial (Dawson City, Yukon Territory, Canada)
2018 ANIMACY | Legion Arts Gallery (Cedar Rapids, IA)
2018 THE LONG VIEW | Environnementaux Gabès (Gabès, Tunisia)
2017 GLUE | Media Lab de la Universidade Federal de Goiás (Goiás, Brazil)
2017 OLD HEARTS | LUNA Fête 2017 (New Orleans, LA)
2017 PATHOLOGICAL CONFLUENCES | Santa Fe Art Institute (Santa Fe, NM)
2016 TRACE EVIDENCE | HMC Budapest (Budapest, Hungary)
2016 SEA CHANGE | Nami Gallery (Tehran, Iran)
2013 ABNORMALITY | Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (Detroit, MI)
2013 FOREST (IN) BALANCE | University of Colorado, Boulder (Boulder, CO)
2013 ASHABA |Ministry of Interior (Doha, Qatar)
2013 TRACE EVIDENCE | Firehouse Gallery (Longmont, CO)
2022 KOYUKUK | Addis Video Art Festival (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
2021 KOYUKUK | Canberra Short Film Festival (Canberra, Australia)
2021 KOYUKUK | Les Mains Gauches Film Festival (Marseille, France)
2020 ANVIK/KOYUKUK | North x North, Anchorage Museum (Anchorage, AK)
2020 ETAH / Kosice International Film Festival (Kosice, Slovenia)
2019 ANVIK | Media That Matters, Hollyhock (Cortes, British Columbia, Canada)
2019 ANVIK | WITHFF | (Corozal, Belize)
2019 SURFACE TENSIONS | SOVA Faculty Triennial, Moss Arts Center (Blacksburg, VA)
2019 REVISIONING JUST COMMUNITIES | Bangalore Film Society (Bangalore, India)
2018 KOYUKUK | InShort Film Awards (Lagos, Nigeria)
2018 5462 | “Output Sabotage” at Noise Gallery (Bloomington, IN)
2018 KOYUKUK | Berlin Independent Film Awards, Cinema Babylon (Berlin, Germany)
2018 LA AMPLIA VISTA | Tlanchana Festival of Film and Digital Art (Metepec, México)
2018 KENAI | The 4th International Exhibition on New Media Art, CICA Museum (Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea)
2018 THE LONG VIEW | Peephole Cinema Exhibition (San Francisco, CA)
2018 LA AMPLIA VISTA | Transterritorial de Cine Underground Exhibition (Buenos Aires & Quilmes, Argentina)
2017 THE LONG VIEW | Cinema Poetico: Internacional Videoarte (Medellín, Colombia)
2017 THE LONG VIEW | Moss Arts Center (Blacksburg, VA)
2017 SHARED ELEGY | Grunwald Gallery of Art (Bloomington, IN)
2017 TO SEE | (Re)Imagining Science, Grunwald Gallery (Bloomington, IN)
2017 BELKOFSKI | Environmental Forum Dena’ina Center (Anchorage, AK)
2017 THE WHALE II | Different Paths Gallery (Brockport, NY)
2017 HUNAFLOI | RVCC Gallery International Video Show (Branchburg, NJ)
2016 SEA CHANGE | Nami Gallery (Tehran, Iran)
2016 HUNAFLOI | CICA Musem and Contemporary Art Centre (Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea)
2016 BELKOFSKI | University of Alaska at Anchorage (Anchorage, AK)
2016 HUNAFLOI | Foundry Art Center (St. Charles, MO)
2016 HUNAFLOI | Zhou B Art Center (Chicago, IL)
2016 TRACE EVIDENCE | Texas Commission for the Arts (Dallas, TX)
2016 TRACE EVIDENCE | HMC Budapest (Budapest, Hungary)
2016 BELKOFSKI | Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association (Anchorage, AK)
2016 BELKOFSKI | Belkofski Tribal Council (King Cove, AK)
2015 HUNAFLOI, TRACE EVIDENCE | Art Video Riviera
2015 ANVIK, TRACE EVIDENCE | Iranian Art House | (Tehran, Iran)
2015 ANVIK | Market House Blacklion (Cavan, Ireland)
2015 GHOSTS| The Weight of Mountains (Erg Chebbi, Sahara, Morocco)
2015 SEA CHANGE | This Red Door (Hamburg, Germany)
2015 PSEUDACRIS CRUCIFER | Arts Council of York Council (Rock Hill, SC)
2015 HUNAFLOI | Art Center County Cavan (County Cavan, Ireland)
2014 HUNAFLOI | Bíó Paradís (Reykjavik, Iceland)
2014 HUNAFLOI | Weight of Mountains Film Festival (Skagaströnd, Iceland)
2013 TRACE EVIDENCE | Gutto (Sauðárkrókur, Iceland)
2013 THESTHETICS (performance) | Holy Smokes Music and Arts Festival (Brooklyn, NY)
2013 THE WHALE | DEVOTION 5 (Bloomington, IN)
2013 TRACE EVIDENCE, THE INSATIABLE | Front Range Film Festival (Boulder, CO)
2012 TRACE EVIDENCE | Grunwald Gallery (Bloomington, IN)
2012 ANVIK, TRACES | Home and Away Symposium (Bloomington, IN)
2011 ANVIK | DART Exhibition at the SOFA Gallery (Bloomington, IN)
2011 SANDUSKY | DEVOTION (Bloomington, IN)
2011 ENVIRONMENTS | Low Road Gallery (Greencastle, IN)
2011 ANVIK, H1N1, REMOTE MEMORY | Le Pont Neuf (Paris, France)
2010 H1N1 | DART Exhibition at SOFA Gallery (Bloomington, IN)
2010 ASHABA 1 | Dohado (Doha, Qatar)
2010 CB | Ejected Productions Film Screenings (Indianapolis, IN)
2010 STEEL MILLS | Porter Dunes Center Gallery (Porter, IN & Chicago, IL)
2010 ANXIOUS RELATIONS | The Fuller Projects (Bloomington, IN)
THE INSATIABLE (sound for video collaboration with Jawshing Arthur Liou
Taipei Artists Village (Taipei, Taiwan) Art Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan)
Poissant Gallery (Houston, TX)
Art HK 2011 (Hong Kong, China)
iDADA Art Pavilion (Indianapolis, IN)
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (Taichung, Taiwan)
Art Taipei (Taipei, Taiwan)
SIGGRAPH Vancouver (Vancouver, Canada)
Museum at Campbell River (Campbell River, Canada)
2020 Virginia Tech Public-Interest Technology Fellow
2019 Media That Matters: American Leadership Fellow, Hollyhock (Cortes, British Columbia, CA)
2018 – Present: Program Director of Cinema Reset, the XR & New Media Program of the New Orleans Film Society (New Orleans, LA)
2014 – Present: Experimental Shorts Screener, New Orleans Film Festival (New Orleans, LA)
2015 Curatorial Contributor, Weight of Mountains Filmmaking Residency Program (Tissardmine, Morocco)
2012 Co-Curator, Cinema Reset at the Contemporary Art Center, New Orleans (New Orleans, LA)
2011 Waveforms (Contemporary Sound Art) Exhibition, Grunwald Gallery of Art (Bloomington, IN)
2021 “Opportunity and Power on the Rural Frontier” Visiting Artist Presentation, Clemson University (Clemson, SC)
2020 “Global Film Festivals, Global Fulcrums” Cinema Program, Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA)
2020 “VR Futures: Virtual Reality at the New Orleans Film Festival” Panel Discussion, New Orleans Film Festival (New Orleans, LA)
2020 “Video Production as Social Praxis” Industrial Design, Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA)
2020 “Virtual Reality Futures” Panel Discussion with VR Filmmakers at the New Orleans Film Festival (New Orleans, LA)
2020 “Boreal Films” Panel Discussion for North x North at the Anchorage Museum: including R. Pottebaum, F. Hoffmann, M. Snyder, & A. Connors. (Anchorage, AK)
2019 "Arctic Migration” Intersections: Cross-Disciplinary Conversations about Social Justice and the Built Environment. Virginia Tech. University Libraries. (Blacksburg, VA)
2019 “Critical Indigenous Media Collaborations” with Lesley Duffield, at HeritageDot Conference, University of Lincoln (Lincoln, United Kingdom)
2019 “Indigenous Ecotourism: A Case Study in Belize” Indigenous Studies, Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA)
2019 “Media / Art / Praxis, Media that Matters: The Nature of Media” Cortes Island (British Columbia, Canada)
2019 “Critical Media Practices” Leadership and Social Change Residential College, Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA)
2019 “Arctic Media” Arctic Geographies, Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA)
2018 “First Person Futures” Panel Discussion at New Orleans Film Festival (New Orleans, LA)
2018 “The Aesthetics of Contemporary Science Research” Panel Presentation, L. Duffield, M. Borowski, J. Bedford Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA)
2018 “Race, Identity, and Media” Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (Dawson City, Canada)
2018 “First Person Future: VR Filmmakers and the Viewer’s Role” New Orleans Film Festival (New Orleans, LA)
2017 “Censorship in Art and Media’ Philosophy and Morality, Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA)
2017 “Loaded Ecologies: Site Specificity and Identity” Artist Talk, University of Utah Taft-Nicholson Center for Environmental Humanities (Lima, MT)
2017 “Story-Making as Cultural Work” Ontological Politics and Social Change, Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA)
2017 “Screening Refugees” Migration Policy Symposium, Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA)
2017 “Anthropomorphism, Zoomorphism, and Inhumanity” Panel Discussion, in "Microscopes and Megaphones" the 73rd annual SECAC Conference. Columbus College of Art & Design (Columbus, OH)
2017 “Sounding Here: Sound and Acoustic Ecology” Santa Fe Art Institute (Santa Fe, NM)
2017 “Video Art and Indigenous Collaborations” Artist Talk, the 23rd International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA), Department of Visual Design, Universidad de Caldas (Manizales, Colombia)
2017 “CINEMA RESET, Screening and Discussion” New Media Caucus ArtSpace: Regional Institutional Partnerships with Moving Image Institutions (New York, NY)
2016 “Indigenous Technologies” Visiting Artist Presentation, Alaska Native Arts Program, University of Alaska Anchorage (Anchorage, AK)
2016 “Critical Inclusion: Hybridizing Pedagogy for 4D Media Critique” Time-Based Art & Design: Finding the Language of Critique, MACAA (Columbus, OH)
2016 “Virtual Reality Cinema: Teaching a New Dog Old Tricks” New Orleans Film Festival Panel Discussion.
2009-Present Filmmaker & Media Producer
In addition to creative media works spearheaded by my own interests, I have contributed to a number of other long-term media projects, examples below:
· 2017-2019: Virginia Dares Indigenous Media Project: documentary filmmaker, story developer, for web series.
· 2014-2016: Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association: documentary filmmaker, editor, story developer for “Belkofki Stories” feature length ethnographic documentary film.
· 2012-2015: Thesthetics: New media collaboration, production, and consulting in large-scale projection, augmented reality, and performance.
· 2012-2013: OVOW Productions: Digital research, film analysis, story development, for a feature documentary about The Beatles called The Beatles Live! Project.
· 2011-2012: National Geographic Television, Explorer Division, & National Geographic Missions: Media production, translation, research work primarily centering the activities of the Sinaloa Cartel in and outside of Mexico.
· 2008-2009: The MEA Foundation: Documentary work on HIV/AIDS hospice care and humanitarian efforts in Tanzania and along the Tanzania/Rwanda border regions.
2011-Present Curator of Digital Media & Emerging Media Works
Curator of multimedia spanning visual art, video, installation, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), extended reality (XR), sound, and experimental film, for museum, gallery, and film festival contexts. Director of the Cinema Reset program for emerging media and XR at the New Orleans Film Festival.
2008 – Present Volunteer/Community Educator
Occasional leader of workshops in media and technology (among other things), usually one day or two-day events, free and open to the public, or specialized for Syrian refugee communities. Workshops have included the following subjects: radio transmission, sound, physical computing, virtual reality, augmented reality, 8mm and 16mm film processing, digital imaging, photography, stop motion animation, digital animation, video production, collage, video postproduction, grant writing, creative writing, public speaking, foraging for wild foods, digital/computer literacy, English as a second language.
2015 University Division Academic Advisor: Indiana University Bloomington
Academic advisor with a caseload of 375+ undergraduate students from all disciplines at IU Bloomington. Responsible for student enrollment, scheduling, guidance in negotiating university policies/procedures, and helping students set and achieve academic goals. Job responsibilities require the utmost professionalism, efficiency, clear and attentive communication, high organization, the ability to multitask, and the ability to successfully connect with and motivate each and every student.
2014-2015 Graduate Services Coordinator: Henry Radford Hope School of Fine Arts
Graduate advisor for all MFA students at the IU Bloomington Hope School of Fine Arts. Additionally responsible for administrative tasks including enrollment, records access, payroll for 45+ employees, awards disbursement, general information, and management of the graduate admissions process.
2014-2015 Grant Writer & Assistant: Henry Radford Hope School of Fine Arts
Grant writer, administrative assistant, exhibition coordinator for the Director of the Studio Art program at the IU Bloomington School of Fine Arts.
2014 Visiting Artist & Educator for Nes Artist Residency Outreach Program, Iceland
Visiting artist running workshops via Nes Artist Residency in stop motion animation and digital media production in Sauðárkrókur, Iceland.
2010-2012 Archive Support: The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction
· 2011-2012: Responsible for handling moving image media in the Kinsey Collection and providing digitization and video management for the Kinsey Institute Stag Film Collection (ca. 1910 ~ 1968).
· 2010-2011: Art & Artifacts Assistant: Responsible for archiving media, undertaking media research, and assisting with management of artifacts in the Kinsey Institute Collection.
2009-2012 Graduate Instructor: Digital Art, Indiana University
· 2010-2012: Digital Art, Survey & Practice
Instructor of Record for college-level digital art practice courses, responsible for course development, teaching, and grading.
2006 – 2009 Teaching Assistant
· 2009: Digital Imaging and Photography (Prof. Leslie Sharpe)
· 2007: Berea College, Video Editing and Film production (Prof. Rodney Clarke)
· 2007: Berea College, Lighting for Film Production (Prof. Rodney Clarke)
· 2006: Berea College, English as a Second Language (Prof. Vicky Hayes)