2024 - Present (Ongoing) | 1080p HD Video | Black and White | Stereo Audio | Virginia | Duration TBD

Continuing explorations of surveillance and gamification, GOOD LUCK is a new longitudinal experimental film trilogy utilizing motion-tracking, solar-powered, and remote-operated camera traps to trace the movements and behaviors of predators after dark in rural Virginia. The work addresses questions of performance, digital voyeurism, hunting, and predators doing their best to survive and adapt to changing landscapes and ever-growing human presence. The project currently focuses on three predator species native to Appalachia: Eastern coyotes, Canis latrans var.; Eastern black bears, Ursus americanus americanus; and bobcats, Lynx rufus rufus, and traces the movement of these animals within isolated protected landscapes (often abutting neighborhoods) in Virginia’s New River Valley. 2024-2025 efforts are focused primarily on following one family of coyotes in Montgomery County, Virginia.