2012 | 1080p HD Video | Installation, Interactive Sound | Color | 5.1 Surround Sound Audio | Anchorage, Alaska | English | 00:31:07

The work consists of (1) a narrow HD video of the glacial landscape of an Alaskan former homicide site projected onto a wall, (2) surround-sound audio of equal length comprised of interviews, journal readings, phone conversations, field recordings taken at the site, and musical elements composed, performed, and recorded by the artist, (3) a narrow oak table and office chair from the late 1980s, speckled with the lifted fingerprints of the artist’s deceased father, and outfitted with bone transducer embedded within the wood of the tabletop itself, and (4) audio field recordings of the vibrations, groans, and creaks of the moving glacier at the homicide site, which can only be fully heard and felt through physical interaction with the surface of the table itself. (5) A single, very low spotlight should be installed directly above the table so that participants can navigate the space and see the fingerprints and surface of the table. (6* - optional) Ultrasonic sensors may also be utilized within the space to control audiovideo loop playback dependent upon an individual entering the space and/or sitting down at the table.

View Video Excerpt Here:

Trace Evidence Artist Statement
Audio Sample on Soundcloud of Trace Evidence (surround-sound and table audio merged)